A severe cyber-attack has disrupted live broadcasts on Australia’s Channel Nine TV network, prompting fears that the entire nation might as well to prone to such attacks...
Programmer Albacore discovered a small never-before-seen Easter egg, which laid hidden in Windows 95 Internet Mail for the last 25 years...
Apple was informed by the Google Threat Analysis Group of a possible zero-day vulnerability discovered to be actively exploiting in the wild...
JSON deserialization vulnerability is found to be the chief flaw in the new Orion update that permits an authenticated user to run arbitrary code through the test alert actions characteristics available in the Orion Web Console....
An advisory for two high-severity flaws CVE-2021-3449 and CVE-2021-3450 has been issued by the OpenSSL project
A new variant named Phoenix CryptoLocker has been used in a ransomware attack that was launched against the Insurance giant CNA
Facebook disrupted a hacking operation that made use of social media platforms to distribute ioS and Android malware
Royal Dutch Shell is the newest victim of a series of cyber-attacks on Accellion legacy File Transfer Appliance (FTA) product users
34 people who pretended to be Apple and McAfee employees and stole money from the foreign nationals have been convicted and now are in police custody...
Microsoft Exchange Servers are prone to the attack of the ProxyLogon group of security bugs have been majorly patched and the patching level has reached 92 per cent...
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